Surf Brigade is a curriculum based program designed to address common veteran challenges through surf therapy and supporting modalities based on the research of Dr. Russell Crawford and Dr. Wallace Nichols.

“Healthcare providers and organizations that deal with veterans and PTSD are encouraged to add ocean therapy as a program of practice, along side other alternative approaches. Harnessing the power of the need for adrenaline exhibited by many veterans, without the use of medications, has huge appeal to sustaining the quality of life for the veteran and their family.” - Dr. Russel Crawford, Author

“Remember that dopamine release is associated with novelty, risk, desire, and effortful activity; it’s also a key part of the system by which the brain learns. All of these factors, Zald points out, are present in surfing: “As surfers are first learning, there’s an amazing burst of dopamine simply when they stand on the board—‘I didn’t think I could do that!’ And then surfing is never going to be exactly the same. The wave comes, but it’s always somewhat unpredictable.” Novelty? Check. Risk? Check. Learning? Check. Aerobic activity? Check. Dopamine? In spades.”” Dr. Wallace Nichols, Author